Friday 27 May 2016

Tuna steak with almonds-and-capers mayo sauce

10 minutes to prepare minutes to cook Serves 4

My favorite animal is steak.


Found in the cold waters of the Pacific, Tuna Steaks are a favorite among seafood lovers. These firm and flaky seafood steaks have indeed a meaty flavor that's sure to satisfy.

Moreover, tuna steaks are versatile and easy to cook.
They are an especially good candidate for grilling during the Spring season, and a tasty almonds-and-capers sauce (inspired by un pinguino in cucina) keeps them moist and flavorful.

Try them, promise you won’t miss beef meat steaks!


Here are ingredients for the 4-serving recipe:


800 g fresh tuna 
100 g peeled almonds

10 capers 
EVO oil
salt and pepper

  1. Get yourself a slice of fresh tuna, and keep it in the refrigerator until you are ready to start, so that tuna flesh is chill and easy to be cut. Once removed from the refrigerator, cut tuna lengthwise into 4 thick slices (about 2-3 cm)
  2. Put tuna slices in a baking dish and drizzle them with 1 tablespoon of EVO oil, a pinch of salt, freshly ground pepper and let them to marinate for 10 minutes
  3. Meanwhile, prepare the mayo sauce: take the blender and place almonds and capers, a pinch of salt and 5 tablespoons of EVO oil in it. Blend for a couple of minutes to shred the ingredients, until you obtain a creamy consistency
  4. Heat well a non-stick grill pan while duly draining the tuna steak from the marinade
  5. Cook tuna for about 2 minutes per side. You will achieve the optimal cooking when tuna flesh is still pink in the middle
  6. Remove the tuna slices from the pan and arrange them on a serving dish with 1 tablespoon of almonds and capers mayo sauce aside

    Nutrition Facts are listed for this recipe in the table below. Data is provided per serving.

    Becoming a vegetarian is a huge missed steak.

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