Friday 27 February 2015

Risotto with blueberries and smoked scamorza cheese

5 minutes to prepare Serves 4



"Violet, you're turning violet, Violet!"

Scamorza is a spun paste cow’s milk cheese, in which the fresh curd matures in its own whey for several hours. Traditional cheesemakers are used to form the cheese into a round shape, and then tie a string around the mass, and hang to dry. This is sometimes referred to as "strangling" the cheese. The resulting shape is pear-like.
When cheese is smoked, the color is almond with a lighter interior.
Scamorza has a taste similar to mozzarella, but stronger and more dominant.
In Italy, scamorza is more commonly made in the south rather than the north. Strictly speaking, it is a product of Apulia.

Scamorza has excellent melting qualities, which turn out to be useful in this recipe. Moreover, its milky and creamy mildness mitigates well blueberries sourness while winking at the "black fruit" flavour of Lambrusco.

Here's what you will need for the 4-serving recipe:

320 g Carnaroli rice 
200 g blueberries
1 shallot
1 glass Lambrusco di Sorbara red wine
200 g smoked scamorza cheese
vegetable broth
EVO oil
salt and pepper


  1. Braise chopped shallot with a little oil and salt
  2. Wash blueberries and add them to the pan
  3. Pour the rice into the pan and simmer with Lambrusco red wine until it evaporates
  4. Add a spoonful of boiling vegetable broth and continue as for a normal risotto, for about 15-20 minutes 
  5. Meanwhile, chop finely half of scamorza cheese, cut the other half into thin slices.
  6. When the rice is cooked, stir in chopped cheese and a pinch of salt, if needed
  7. Serve on a dinner plate decorated with slices of scamorza cheese, blueberries on top and freshly ground pepper.  

In the following, Nutrition Facts of this dish are detailed. Data is provided per serving.

Hope you enjoy it!!!!
Opening and shutting, snap–snap–snap! Faster and faster, chop–chop–chop

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